
The tough guy. Ami has a sharp tongue and a hot temper. Born in Israel, Ami, 33 and single, has been in Miami since the age of 12. Some of his family still lives in Israel, so he rarely sees them — his friends have become his family. He feels that many of today’s artists have no respect for the time-honored traditions of tattoo.

Ami got his first professional tattoo at age 15 – a dragon. Eighteen years later, he still has a passion for ink; his body is a canvas of tattoos. Ami began tattooing at 20 years old. He started by working out of his house and soon became an apprentice, learning the art of his trade.

Ami loves cars, painting and free-style fighting.

Ami James,不折不扣的硬漢.

他有張尖銳刻薄的嘴漢激動的脾氣,出生於以色列,現年33歲(單身),喜歡汽車,繪畫以及自由搏擊.他在邁阿密和他的生意合夥人,同時也是刺青藝術家Chris Nuñez擁有一家他們自己的刺青店- Miami Ink.


Ami在15歲時刺了人生的第一個刺青 - 一條龍.
他的刺青事業起於他20歲的那一年,為了事業他很快的成為一名學徒,學習他的人生事業 - 成為一名刺青藝術家,所應該具有的技術,知識和美感.


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